New Team Structure and Exciting Learning Adventures

At Seedlings Daycare, we’ve had some staffing changes and are excited to share the progress our little ones have been making! Josephine Pere is now leading the group and supported by an assistant as well. This new team structure has brought fresh energy and focus to our daily activities.

Josephine shares that the Seedlings crew has been working hard and having tons of fun along the way. Recently, they’ve been diving into learning about shapes, with the children’s enthusiasm inspiring the creation of a new shape song. This catchy tune has quickly become a favourite during circle time, helping to reinforce the children’s understanding in a fun and engaging way.

Outdoor adventures continue to be a big hit, with regular outings to Carnarvon Park, Fireman’s Park, and Nottingham Park. These excursions provide the children with the perfect opportunity to challenge themselves physically, strengthening their balance and building confidence as they climb, jump, and explore the world around them.

Back inside, the children have been honing their fine motor skills by practicing colouring and staying within the lines—no small feat for our young learners! It’s been inspiring to see their progress and the pride they take in their creations. As some of them prepare for Kindergarten, it’s clear that their growth is on an exciting path.

The assistant who supports Josephine on a part time basis, has been an invaluable help, particularly around lunchtime and nap time. They have been assisting with putting the children down for naps, allowing our head teacher some well-deserved breaks. The children were amazing with the recent changes and are thriving all the same!

We’re excited for what’s ahead and proud of the incredible work happening every day at Seedlings!

Seedlings is OPEN during COVID 19

At Seedlings we are open and running at a very different level, ensuring we are supporting our community’s mandate to help ‘Flatten the Curve’ during this pandemic. Many of our Seedlings families are graciously caring for their children in their homes, as Dr. Henry has requested. This has opened a few spaces for Essential Service Worker’s children in our Oak Bay Community. At Seedlings we are following all the protocols required to support health care in our program and we have also added more to ensure the safety of our children, staff members, and families! Here are just a few areas that we are focused on to support the health of our Seedlings community:

1) Parent and child wash hands upon entry to the program and exit of the program

2) Our families bring an extra set of clothes each morning so that we can change the children into fresh clothes.  We will wash the clothes they came in to be changed again and sent back home later that evening upon pick up. Then send another set of clothes, or we can wash the extra set from the day in the following days.

3) The children will have access to toys that are easily cleaned and sterilized after they are finished playing with them.  

4) Our Seedlings do not have access to dress up and foam or cardboard blocks at this time.

5) Our Seedlings are spending time visiting gardens and beaches rather than parks lately. We spend a lot of time outside in nature and in our neighborhood on exciting walks filled with scavenger hunts and little investigators noticing changes in the community. We are staying away from the public and being careful to not touch any surfaces other than nature.  

6) Seedlings have been outdoors more often than before during these pandemic days!

7) Continual handwashing. We do not use Hand Sanitizer unless we are outside and far from a wash basin.

8) Nightly disinfecting of the entire program (this is a standard procedure in our program regardless of the situation - however, it’s sometimes good to state the obvious!)

9) At this time, we do not welcome outside visitors into our program other than our immediate families, and our teachers.  

10) During Drop off and pick up
a.Only ONE family member inside the program at a time.  We would ask that the same family member drops off and collects their children. (as much as possible) All adults are to social distance themselves apart as much as possible.  We are asking only one parent in the building beyond our Seedlings staff.
b. Seedlings teachers will register our little friend’s attendance in our program.

11) Music Class with our talented music teacher from the community is currently offering the class via YouTubeLive on Wednesday Mornings from 11:30 - 12:00. 

12) After each hand washing session (from families or our littles throughout the day) - we will be disinfecting the bathroom, door handles, and light switches to ensure the safety of all throughout the day.

13) Depending on our numbers, we will either have one teacher throughout the day or part-day shifts, where one teacher works half the day, and the other finishes the other half of the day.  This is to ensure that a social distance protocol is followed throughout the day with our adults in the program.

14) We will encourage responsible distancing throughout the day with our children at all times.

15) All of our families and staff have signed a Family Commitment Agreement to COVID 19 in order to ensure our Seedlings community remains safe and well throughout this pandemic.

"Not Yet" is a powerful statement and it makes all the difference!

Having a Growth Mindset is a powerful tool to support our children, that is for sure! For a young student receiving a letter grade of a C, stops all learning for that student. Getting a grade stating “Not Yet” makes all the difference in the world. Suddenly, they realize that their learning is a continuum and the learning continues every time! At Seedlings, we use Growth Mindset language every day, all day long in our multi-age licensed facility. We are constantly amazed at the power of our very young reaching such success when they understand they can do it, just not yet!

Think about your parenting style… Is it influenced by Growth Mindset, I hope it is, because it makes all the difference for our littles in every way!

Have a look at this great Ted Talk and the amazing research Carol Dweck has done!

Micro verses Macro Manage our 'littles' lives...

I am sure we have all been in that situation where we step into a situation to help 'guide' or 'Micro Manage' our 'littles' through a tough patch with a friend at a play date or on the school grounds etc.,  Did this happen for you as a child?  How about the involvement we parents have in school and our children's learning these days - its involved and dedicated - at least from my perspective...  For the most part, we parent differently than our parents did with us years ago.  We also teach and learn differently from the days not long ago... Personally, my parents for one example, were very un-involved relative to how I am today as a parent, not to mention as an educator.  My parents once let me walk to school at a very early age, on any given day, they asked me to pack my lunch, they asked me to be responsible with my manners and my relationships with my friends.  I had a sense of freedom and independence, and I was a very strong, capable, young girl - by design -  was this their goal from helping me feel this independence or was it innately my character?  Looking back, I am amazed that I was given so much 'freedom,' and wonder how I 'turned' out 'okay'...But WE did.  I made sure I studied for my spelling quizzes and I read my book to my siblings and I also managed my ups and downs with my friends too!  If I was not able to,  my parents called it a 'kid issue' and were close by to support, but not Bulldoze or Snowplow away the 'life' happenings in front of me.  I wonder how that helped me in terms of managing anxiety in a day in age that anxiety can overtake our classrooms and play dates and activities around the community.  Today, I struggle with not being involved enough as a parent, thinking I need to 'be there' for my kids more often.  With my job as an Assistant Head of Christ Church Cathedral School and this thriving business, Seedlings Daycare, the advisory committees I am on etc., Its busy and very involved. Yet, I know I am there for them all the time, but struggle with the parent 'guilt' that we get. (I know you know what I am talking about...)  Like many parents, I feel I need to check in after a play date on my children's behaviour.  I feel the need to ask the parent of the play date, "Did they use their manners, where they helpful and did they clean up after themselves..." But then I stop...think...and realize what message am I sending to my listening 'little' that is standing beside me?  Of course they did and of course they can, I taught them so, in many other situations.  But asking and ‘micro’ managing - doesn't that 'belittle' all the work that I have done so far with them? I tend to want to 'micro' manage their day, but really, do I need to?  Is it necessary?

Here is a TED talk that brought more thought and perspective to my parenting and my work as an educator...  Let me know what you think?

Third Year Anniversary!

We can hardly believe it but our extensive program has been in action for over three years and counting! We are thriving and loving spending time with our Seedling friends. Check out our video of all the learning through play that we get to enjoy each day together!

Happy Father's Day to all our amazing Seedlings dad's and grand dad's out there!

We hope you have had a wonderful day with that special little person (s) in your life!  It is a day to honour all dads and everything special they bring to our lives. Over the last two weeks our littles have been working hard on some yuumy projects for dad that we are sure you will enjoy.  We have been so touched by their stories of love, bravery, courage, persistence, patience and stamina of all the great dads and grand dads in our program.  Each little phase of our projects have inspired much reflection of all the great you do for your little people and your cherished families. Your children have so much love for their dad's and they were bursting to give you their treats!

We hope that every day for you is a special day, rather then celebrating on this one designated day for all dads.  Being a parent is a privilege and a journey of the greatest adventure you will ever experience over a lifetime.  Enjoy every moment!

Seedlings Second Year Anniversary!

It has been a great year of many firsts for our 'littles' growing steadily at Seedlings Daycare!  We have been privileged to work with these amazing children and their wonderful families! We owe a BIG, Humungous thank you to our team of  talented teachers that work hard daily with our children, caring, loving and being creative with them all day long!

Happy Father's Day to Our Amazing Seedlings Dads out there!

We hope you have a wonderful day with that special little person (s) in your life!  It is a day to honour all dads and everything special they bring to our lives.  After all, without you, we would not even exist!

This week our littles have been working hard on a few projects for dad that we are sure you will enjoy.  We have been so touched by their stories of love, bravery, courage, persistence, patience and stamina of all the great dads and grand dads in our program.  Each little phase of our projects have inspired much reflection of all the great you do for your little people and your cherished families.

We hope that every day for you is a special day, rather then celebrating on this one designated day for all dads.  Being a parent is a privilege and a journey of the greatest adventure you will ever experience over a lifetime.  Enjoy every moment!


Here is a fun rap that we hope will get you up and dancing it out!

A good father is one of the most unsung, un-praised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society.
— Billy Graham

Happy First Year Anniversary Seedlings!

We are thrilled to report that we just celebrated our first year anniversary this April!  We have had a fabulous year full of adventures and meeting each child's social, emotional and academic needs!  Here is some of the evidence...

'Managing' our this really helping?

I am sure we have all been in that situation where we step into a situation to help 'guide' our 'littles' through a tough patch with a friend at a play date or on the school grounds etc.,  Did this happen for you as a child?  I know it was not the case for me and my upbringing.  For the most part, we parent differently then our parents did with us years ago.  My parents for one, were very un-involved relative to how I am today as a parent.  They let me walk to school on any given day, they asked me to pack my lunch, they asked me to be responsible with my manners and my relationships with my friends.  Looking back, I am amazed that I was given so much 'freedom,' and wonder how I 'turned' out okay...But WE did.  Today, I struggle with not being involved enough, thinking I need to 'be there' for my kids more often.  Like many parents I feel I need to check in after a playdate on my children's behaviour and their times at school.  I tend to want to 'micro' manage their day, but really, do I need to?  Is it necessary?  

Here is a TED talk that brought more thought and perspective to my parenting...

Jolly Phonics for everyone!

This week we introduced our Action Phonics literacy program for our littles.  We are learning the sounds of Ss, Aa(short sound) and Tt.  Its so much fun watching our children learn some wonderful songs, rhymes and stories and actions to support each sound of the alphabet!

Seedlings launches 'HiMama"

Check out our Hi Mama app, designed to help bridge the gap to allow parents and their families follow the wonderful developmental gains while in our care! Check it

Happy Father's Day!

I hope you have a wonderful day with that special little person (s) in your life!  It is a day to honour all dads and everything special they bring to our lives.  After all, without you, we literally would not even exist!

Bill Cosby once said, "Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope." Lil' artist made a lovely keychain for dad, something to cherish for a long time!.  It was a fun project that your little  super star artist was bursting to hand over to you with pride on your big day!

Top 10 Father's Day activities in Victoria

I hope that every day for you is a special day, rather then celebrating on this one designated day for all dads.  Being a parent is a privilege and a journey of the greatest adventure you will ever experience over a lifetime. Here is a cool, quick little video TED talk about a father daughter tradition.   Its time to make sure you get into the shot dad!

Enjoy the flic...

A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society. – Billy Graham

Mighty Moms and Grandmoms - Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mother's day to all those incredible moms out there all over the world. 

I sincerely hope you have a wonderful day and know that we moms understand and think of you too!  It's a privilege to be a parent and a mom, and I know from the moms at Seedlings, these moms are spectacular in every facet of motherhood.

Although the rewards are unspeakable, it is the toughest job out there.  You are a mighty mom!




Here's some of our best work...



From the bottom of my heart, enjoy your day, everyday with your 'littles'.

Mrs. Blue :-)

Balancing Act

Parenting is a balancing act.  I am not sure who gets the benefit from us trying to find the balance.  So far, I have not found that balance, but I strive every day to find it.  My focus is my children, their health, safety and the learning opportunities in their life.  When I know they are in a good place, thats when I start to feel the 'balance'.  

Here is a fun parent rap - all about finding that balance!  Sometimes you will find me place this 'beat box' tune on my bluetooth as I am driving kid-free, heading to my busy work day... Crank it! I promise, it will put a 'kick' in your step and a giggle in your belly...

Open House

Visit Seedlings Daycare at our Open House on Saturday March 19th, anytime between 4:00 to 6:00pm to meet our teaching staff and learn about our program!